17 February 2007

spending time with the Queen

alright, i have always had a thing for the British and course HRH. so i have in recent months wanted to see the movie The Queen. after my time admiring madeline albright, i began the journey home....stopping first at the mall....finding some amazing deals at Eddie Bauer.... then i made it right on time to the 5:10 showing. what a great movie. Helen Mirian (sp) is really very good. it was amazing how well all the characters were portrayed.

after some thai food with friends, a good coffee, and a late night hospital visit i headed home in yet again a late night snow storm. really. enough is enough.

glad to be home and ready for the weekend.
ps: i looked at the cadillac. of course it is wonderful. i have no idea what to do. i have till wednesday.


Anonymous said...

You should buy the Cadillac as a gift for your Goddaughter. Her father could take care of it for her for the next 14 years. Just trying to help you out.


Jimmy said...

yes, thank you very much. i will keep that in mind. it is looking like the girl will inherit a handful of old caddys at some point.

Joby said...

I wish I would have seen this before today...some serious pastoral counseling was in store for you