15 February 2007

the difference between 3 & 4

in case any one was unaware, my father and i have the same name. (James Edwin, III & IV, respectively.) this aspect of my life every now and then presents some hilarious misunderstandings. for example, today's experience at PCMH.

today is my day to be chaplain at our local Pike County Memorial Hosptial. as i was in visiting lucille, introducing myself etc.... the nurse on hand says "oh i thought you would be much older" and i made some nice remark. then she says "i have heard about you." (and i think "oh brother, i wonder what is is this time") and i respond with some generic humor...
but then she says something to the effect that she has heard that i believe the man is the head of the household.

oh my loving god. if there is one thing that i am sure i have never in my life said, it is that. then it occurs to me, that my rather concervative father could very well have had some coversation-- a la--the baptist church and thus brought about this thought that "jimmy ____believes."

well i told her there was some mistake and that i felt very differently about the "heads of the household....equality, God etc..." i don't know what the lady thought after i got done, but perhaps she now realizes the difference in father's & sons.

so there you have it. many things to overcome in this ministry. now if i could just get my father from being one of them. LOL..

thanks be to God for the number 4.

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