13 February 2007

an adult snow day: cocktails at 2pm

several observations as i look out upon the 10 inches of snow in the parsonage yard.
1. thanks be to God for snow days.
2. the great thing about snow days as an adult: a tall southern comfort (the house drink; as in it is in a decanter) and coke at 2:00 p.m. --how great is that.
2a. going out to lunch with teacher friends with no school.
2b. it is even better when they come in their 4wds to pick me up. pizza hut buffet was just what the dr. ordered.
3. i realize i have been a terrible blogger....having let it go for several weeks. frankly each night when i get home i am to tired to be witty or informative. thanks to all of you who are like "what the heck jimmy, you better get back to it!"
4. i am learning that i should just "note" things here rather than "write a book". i will try.
5. i will refrain from complaints on the 11 inches (we have added an inch as i write) of snow outside since the poor saps in the northeast have like 11 feet. oh my Lord Jesus.
6. update: my Winter River Festival was a success and i am now officially done with it and never going to help again!
6a. thanks for all the great feedback on the tv post from that weekend. my new corduroy flat cap got the most reviews....and is a new staple in the vicar's winter closet.
7. my friends had their baby! april & dennis had little sir mcstew or DANIEL, as we will call him, last week. he is most precious. check out april's blog "saltforthespirit" to the --> to see him. and http://www.mcstewsnews.blogspot.com/.
8. i have been here 4.5 years. what now? there are some options opening up. is it time? ugh. what to do. a change is coming, just don't know when and where. --this will have to be touched on at a later date.
9. next winter i am renting a bus and taking my senior adult church members and we are going to road trip to florida. there is no reason we need to be in missouri if winter is going to be like this.
10. (because we needed at least 10 notes) a quote from a commentary found in The Christian Century, that i used this past sunday which has been mulling in my mind as i ponder my happiness.... the writer Wendell Berry said "What I wanted had become the same as what I had." humm...

1 comment:

Audrey Connor said...

hey friend - i am jealous of all your snow - i wouldn't mind the slow down that snow does to life!

Also - I love that quotation by Wendell Berry!

fluxx is a great game - i would recommend it highly, but you have to buy it at a special gaming store!