25 April 2007

the need for hooky

sometimes it is all i can do to sit in the church office. i have a new office with great air, light and space... however i just want to do something else.

it is a funny thing about church work. to say "do a funeral, sermon, wedding, hospital call, visit, bulletin, youth program, cwf devotion, etc etc.." means that one does that very thing. but the rest of the time what do we do? it is amazing how we are out here to fill our time and get so much done without really knowing what that is or how to do it.

in this small rural church i am the only staff person. there is no one to report to, find accountability with, nor check in... and with SO much to be done, for the list is long, it is hard to know what to do first. especially when it will not get done before one has to run off to do something else more pressing.

okay, i have procrastinated bible study prep long enough.

and what does one say tonight to the high school seniors at their National Honor Society stole ceremony? i just don't know. how does one know?

today is a day of the confusion to say the least. i would play hooky but it is raining.

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