04 March 2007

would jesus have started any earlier?

well it was bound to happen. a church member at lunch today said "someone said today they were going to bring it up at the board meeting....about church not starting on time."

well when i got my eggs benedict swallowed, i started in... practicing for said board meeting, where the person will ask someone else to bring it up rather than be bold and direct.

(the context: we never start right at 10:45. there really is no way we could. but nonetheless, we never start after 10:52.)

1. perhaps that extra time could moments of personal reflection, mediation, prayer.... mark your hymns, chat it up with someone, take a nap. hell. if someone would give me an extra 4-5 minutes to just sit i would love it.

2. it all really starts at 10:25..... at which time i am trying to wind up sunday school. we get downstairs....doing some greeting, some last "setting of things" ....get caught by someone.....
then make sure the choir members and organist have moved from coffee hour to choir practice. throw in a few late choir members, and a slow organist, and wa-la it is 10:40.

the choir song through once, plus working out a tricky measure for the bass section.... then we are back to moving...

my much needed bathroom pit-stop and robing happens as the choir works their way to the sanctuary..... a double check to find that no one has turned the sound system on and wa-la it is 10:47 or later....

frankly i think we are pretty streamed lined for getting 15 people snacked, moved, robed, practiced, and moved again in 15 minutes.

3. perhaps this church member thought it just revolved around their schedule or watch.

4. perhaps this church member did not realize that there are still 10 people in the narthex, who apparently aren't as concerned about timing... when Jimmy starts the welcome.

or maybe this is one of those people. most likely so.

5. or maybe this person is passive agressive and discontented with the big sanctuary clock being taken down for painting and not replaced yet. (hell if i am putting that damn thing back up)

it will all remain to be seen.

i am just ever super glad to know that my people care about the big picture. :)
thanks be to God.


April said...

Well, Jesus' Rolex probably kept impeccable time, so I doubt this was an issue for him...

Ann Schade Ochiltree said...

wow! thanks for adding me as worth reading. thats the best compliment i've gotten all day.

don't forget to reset your clock this sunday.

more cows than people said...

hey, thanks for counting me as worth reading, i'm honored! truly.

ah... good to know we get feedback on truly important things, eh?